
Dress Code Policy

This school has adopted the following Dress Code policy, the school council believes a school dress code

  • Fosters and enhances the public image of the school
  • Assists in building school and team spirit
  • Ensures students are safely dressed for specific school activities
  • Encourages equity among students
  • Prepares students for high school

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Healthy Food Policy

We value the health and wellbeing of our students, staff, volunteers and parents. Our school aims to create a healthy, positive, safe and empowering food environment.

Our school is committed to providing healthier food and drinks for the school community and complying with the Department of Education's Student Health in Public Schools procedures. Appendix B. Healthy Food and Drink. The Australian Dietary Guidelines and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating establish the basis for a healthy eating approach. A key message of the guidelines is to enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods every day. Our school community will work together to fulfill the requirements of this policy and promote and supply nutritious food and drinks.

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Behaviour Plan

Our Plan for Positive Student Behaviour outlines our systems for defining and encouraging expected behaviours, preventing unproductive behaviours and responding to unproductive behaviours. The goal of our plan is for every student at High Wycombe Primary School to receive the support needed to learn and maintain positive behaviour. We are guided by the WA Positive Behaviour Support (WAPBS) school framework. Within this framework we are committed to building a continuum of support for staff and students to enable them to positively demonstrate behaviour expectations. All staff will explicitly teach behaviour expectations and look for ways to positively acknowledge behaviour success.

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Class Placement Policy

High Wycombe Primary School places students into classes based on the professional judgement of staff, with consideration given to students' academic, social and emotional needs. Consideration in the establishment of class structures is based on available resources and forming classes using these resources.

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Online Acceptable Use Agreements

High Wycombe Primary School complies with the Students Online in Public Schools Policy.  As part of this, every child must have their parent or carer provide consent for the Online Acceptable Use Agreement. This outlines the rules students are to follow when online to ensure they are safe and respectful.

There is one agreement for Kindy to Year 2 and another one for Year 3 to 6. The teachers will go through these agreements in their classes.

Online Acceptable Use Agreement K-2                                  Online Acceptable Use Agreement 3-6